Just Add Paint

For months it’s been bugging me. Almost every day I would go into our half bathroom and stare at the closet.

Booooring. I knew they needed something, but I wasn’t sure what. Finally I decided, then ran it by Michael and in two days we had it done. But I’ve gotten ahead of myself, let’s rewind a little. You didn’t think I would give you the before and after without a bunch of other stuff to build suspense, did you?

I’m not much for taping, I prefer to free hand most trimming, but for this project I decided to use it. Also I wanted a prefectly crisp line so I got the frog tape. There really is no substitute when you’re doing stripes.

I wanted to try just one part on the door to see if we liked it for sure, so I set off to taping and it was not easy or quick but it was worth it

Then I painted with the same color of paint that was on the walls

I made sure to peel the tape before the paint fully dried so the paint wouldn’t peel along with the tape. Michael looked at it and liked it so I started taping and painting the rest of the panels on the doors

Something else you may have noticed (or not depending on if you’re reading this early in the morning or late at night) is that the handles are missing in the above picture. You may also have noticed that it looks like those handles were painted around more than once. Did you see here that the handles were silver?

Doesn’t quite mesh with all the ORB (oil rubbed bronze) fixtures that are in that bathroom

So the handles were ORBed – yes, I just used ORB as a verb, just go with it. I so love the difference.

Now when I go in the bathroom I think “Oh, that’s pretty…and I love that it smells like s’mores.”

Categories: Projects | Tags: , | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Just Add Paint

  1. Kristen

    That is fabulous!

  2. Brittany

    You’re right! The ORB is a HUGE upgrade! It looks so much more finished now! I might just have to steal this idea because it is so cute!

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